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​句子断想 Poetry meditation


Ink red scarf

Writer's picture: kt噺kt噺

In the wind

The crowd is like a paper-cut Silhouett, leaves are airplanes

Gray is despair

And I am wearing a warm scarf

Ink red, as long as my time away in recluse

Wind is messing with my scarf.

Ink red in gray is like

A hard struggle in the mire

So shockingly clinging to my breath

Like my suffocation in the bookstores

In their universe mass of bottomless gray

I can't pick out a unique individual

In the crowd

She is a green bicycle lusterlessly shining

Her slender waist band wavy

Tracing out a winding snake swimming in the crowdy street

and her red scarf dancing free in the breeze

And I won’t take my eyes off it again

I want to chase endlessly

I want to dance to her winding band

I want to hold her scarf incense

I want to bathe in her green

Green thrills the gray books

Drowning deeper and deeper

The mire has locked up my breath

To break free is only my ink red scarf

--- English editing: D.W

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